Why I, as a non-American, cared about the 2020 presidential race.

René Blanco
Nov 7, 2020
President Elect Joe Biden Photo: Getty Images/Illustration: Chloe Krammel. Source: Inc Magazine.

I was not born in the US and I don’t live in the US and I seldom visit the US but I cared a lot about the outcome of the 2020 elections.

Why? Because It has showed us that yes, you can be a bully and get away with it for a while. And yes, you can be a total dick to anyone while you’re in a position of power. And you could actually be very lucky so that none of your bullshit gets you in real trouble or in this case, fired.

But today we learned that eventually, it will all get back to bite you in the ass.

And hey, I don’t know any of these people personally. I don’t trust politicians from any party, whether in the US, in my country or anywhere in the world. And I assume all of them do things motivated by power and personal agendas but I think that the leader of a nation, let alone the leader of the free world should be someone with human decency and not a clown. Someone who governs in behalf of all the citizens in their country, not only in behalf of the ones that voted for him and talk trash on the ones that didn’t.

People in America and all around the world are celebrating today because the Biden/Harris triumph has shown us that character matters, and that in the end, as we say in Spanish, los buenos somos más.

